Friday, October 9, 2009

So this was the first time for the kids to see baby Tucker. They were not allowed in the labor and delivery because of the swine flu. This is the first time AF hospital has done this. The kids were a little confused because they didn't get to see me at the hospital. The kids are adjusting just fine it is me having trouble remembering to call him Tucker not Tred.
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Julie said...

AWe! Congrats Shelly! HE is ADORABLE. Can't wait to see him.

Shelly said...

Oh he is SO CUTE!!! How fun for you guys, I can't believe he was so big---you are amazing! I hope all is well with everything and everyone...CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Brook said...

Shelly he is so cute. It kills me that I haven't gotten to come see him yet. I ended up getting pretty sick so it'll still be a few days before I make it over. Sorry!

Christie Moak said...

Congradulations Shelly! He is adorable. So how is it adjusting to four kids? Is it harder or easier?